The Rockies are much more magnificent looking from this side. They seem to jut up out of nowhere. All this sharpness and cutting contrasts with the rolling grassy hills. This picture doesn't do it justice, but it gives you an idea.
The wind was actually a bit scary to bike in this day, gusts nearly pushing me off the road. I raced ahead of some incoming weather and had a nice little lunch in Cut Bank, before finishing up my day in Shelby, Montana.
I rolled into the Lake Shel-oole campground, and as I was paying for my site, a woman walks up to me saying ,"wait!" then she asks if I'd like to sleep in her and her husband's RV! It was windy, and they were worried. I assured them that I had been camping since I left Seattle, and I was doing perfectly well. I did however accept an invitation to dinner, which was absolutely divine, with steak and mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Alice and Larry Preville, thanks! You can follow their travels at:
They told me they thought, "I had a lot of nerve", to be biking all by myself. I've never felt so proud.
Yesterday I was really slowed down in the morning by a mean headwind. After stopping for ice cream, I put in an earphone and listened to some Explosions in the Sky to get my motivation back up. I guess it worked, cause I made it all the way to Havre, MT (that's over 100 miles from Shelby!).
The scenery is pretty but repetitious out here. I did see these buildings, who reminded me of old friends.
Havre is the biggest town I've been through since I left Seattle, with nearly 10,000 people! Today I am taking a day to relax, do laundry, get my biked checked out, and maybe go to the Clack Museum, which has artifacts found when they were building the Hi-Line, which runs parallel to US-2.
Spirits high, happy to be here. I realized the other day that I'm doing exactly what I feel like I need to be doing right now. There are only a few other times in my life where I had that sense. I think I'm the type of person who tends to focus a lot on the future. What I need to be doing to get somewhere or something. Achieve a goal. Now all I think about is pedaling, the scenery, and the feeling of the wind on my face. Oh, and my loved ones. I think about them a lot, too.
I'm off to do my laundry now!
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Location:6th Ave,Havre,United States