Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Windy day and too much pie

Today I made the second leg of my journey towards meeting back up with my Adventure Cycling route, which I had to abandon due to the flooding in North Dakota.

It was the wrong kind of windy today, and so the riding felt more laborious than yesterday, even though I was going much less far.

Tomorrow I'm aiming high and hope to meet back up with the established route in Cooperstown (about 113 miles).

Today was very nice weather, not as hot as yesterday. I went by a coal mine, but mostly fields and rangeland.

Yellow Forever

Odd Cow Out

I was slightly (ok, maybe not slightly) annoyed this afternoon by a well-meaning curious local. I was biking along when a car passes me and pulls over. I hesitantly start to bike past the stopped car, when the driver rolls down the window. He was curious "why in the heck" someone would be biking out here in the middle of nowhere. Then he looked at me a bit closer and paused. "What's your name?" he asked. I tell him Emily, but he wants my LAST name. I can see where this is going now. When I say "Higuchi", he gets a skeptical look on his face and asks me if I'm American. I'm thinking, "What does this have to do with anything?" but instead I cheerfully respond, "Yep, fourth generation!" I guess a solo asian biker chick is a rare site out here. I've actually been surprised that so few people ask me about being a minority. He was quite nice, I think just a bit baffled.

In any case, I've got a motel for the night in McClusky, and I ate a giant dinner at the diner next door. The waitress was amazed. She said, "You sure eat a lot for such a little thing!". She was nice.

Now I'm enjoying being "fat on the bed", as Nate likes to quote from Supersize Me.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Frank St,Goodrich,United States


  1. Yikes, I wonder if he was meaning to turn you into the authorities to check your immigration status! Cause only crazy illegal aliens would be biking in the middle of nowhere, right?
    So fun to hear about your ride, Emi! You are inspiring.

  2. Emi these pictures are amazing! I'm so glad you're blogging this! LOVE YOUUUUUUU

  3. Sounds like you need to get into some eating challenges like on Man V. Food!!!! GO EMI
